Monday, February 17, 2020

Vodka Pie Crust

I found this recipe years ago and am now copying it here from our family cookbook binder. Enjoy!

Vodka Pie Crust
2 ½ cups flour                                                       

1 tsp. salt                                                               

2 Tbl. Sugar                                                         

12 Tbl. cold unsalted butter (1 ½ sticks) cut into small chunks

1/2 cup cold shortening

1/4 cup cold vodka

In mixer, pulse 1 ½ cups flour, salt and sugar.  Add butter and shortening, pulse approx. 15 seconds to for clumps.  Scrape bowl, add remaining 1 cup flour, mix 4-6 seconds.  (If the entire thing will fit, this may also be done with a food processor to pulse.)

Empty into large bowl, sprinkle with vodka and water over top.  Fold and press until mixed and tacky. Divide in half.  Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate 45 minutes or up to 2 weeks until ready to use.

Note: This makes a very sticky dough.  When rolling out, do not hesitate to use plenty of flour to keep it easy to work with.  One recipe generally makes enough for one double pie and one single crust pie.

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