Thursday, December 14, 2023

Marsha's Snack Mix

I saw a lady on TikTok posting about she was coming up with all kinds of fun snack mixes and I felt inspired. You just basically need the right mix of salty and sweet to satisfy your family, throw in holiday or seasonal items or pick a flavor-theme and you are good to go! It's hard to make a bad batch if you know what you like. So here is a basic mix I have been making a lot, but the possibilities are limitless.

Marsha's Snack Mix- Base Mix

Small cookie cereal

Fishy crackers

Fishy or mini pretzels



In this particular batch, I did some mixed Halloween candies for a festive touch. Experiment with ratios until you are happy. We also love chocolate-covered caramel balls, popcorn (drizzled is best), marshmallows (but they go hard fast because they lose all of their moisture to the other dry items) and yogurt pretzels. Anything bite-sized really works well.


I made a particularly good fall blend that I wanted to document here. It included Reese's peanut butter/chocolate covered animal crackers (I got a big bag from Costco), original flavor Bugles, mini stroopwafels, cashews, honey flavored Teddy Grahams, Reese's pieces, pretzel flavored Gold Fish crackers, and a chocolate drizzled caramel popcorn.

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