Sunday, February 16, 2020

Chocolate Caramel Pretzel Rods

I found this recipe years ago and am now copying it here from our family cookbook binder. Enjoy!

Pretzel Sticks
10 large pretzel rods 
1 pkg. (5 wraps) Caramel Apple Wraps
1/2-1 cup milk chocolate chips, melted
1/4-1/2 cup white chocolate chips, melted 

Melt milk chocolate chips in a bowl and white chips in another separate bowl.  Cut caramel apple wraps in half so you end up with 10 half circles of caramel (be sure you don’t buy the tub of caramel apple sauce/dip by mistake).  Make sure caramel wraps are room temperature so they wrap around pretzels easily.  Take one pretzel stick and line up one end of the length of the stick along the cut edge of caramel wrap.  Wrap caramel around pretzel stick.  (Now one end of pretzel should be wrapped in caramel and one end is free to use as a clean handle to hold the stick.)  Hold on to handle of pretzel and place caramel end of pretzel in the melted milk chocolate chips.  Take a spoon and coat the outside of the caramel end in chocolate, leaving a little bit of the caramel wrap showing near the pretzel handle to be decorative.  Place pretzel on a cookie sheet covered in wax paper.  Repeat for remaining pretzels.  Take melted white chips and dip a fork in them.  Then rapidly moving back and forth to create spatter, drizzle white chocolate decoratively over all the pretzel rods on the cookie sheet.   You may cover the candy coated part of the pretzel or the entire handle as well if desired.

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