Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Marsha's Homemade Sushi

A few notes that might make you feel better about sushi, should you be nervous... along with a video tutorial link: First, for anyone not aware, just because it's called sushi, doesn't automatically mean that it has RAW fish in it. There are several kinds of sushi that don't even contain any fish at all (such as vegetarian options). That is something that I learned. 

While probably not 100% technically accurate, in my mind at least, if it has raw fish in it, it's called sashimi and usually located on a different part of the menu from your other traditional sushi rolls. 

My favorite rolls are the "crunchy" rolls where the outer layer of rice has been fried.

Since trying more sushi in recent years, I now think of sushi as basically a rice log/roll that has veggies, sometimes cream cheese, and often some kind of prepared fish inside. That being said, when you make it at home, you can put anything in it that you like. If you wanted to roll up pepperoni and mozzarella cheese in your rice log, dip it in pizza sauce and call it pizza sushi, you totally can.

A few years ago, a good friend of mine introduced me to sushi when we went out for her birthday and she selected some "safe" rolls for me to try with her. Yes, I was nervous, especially because I am not much of a fish person and sea weed sounds sketchy, but everything I tried was actually really, really good and you don't even notice the sea weed. Think of it, not as a weed, but as the "lettuce of the sea" because it's just a plant. It's super thin, barely noticeable, and does not have any kind of strong flavor that I can detect when eaten with all the other ingredients and sauces. I really feel like it's just there to help hold the entire thing together and not for flavor or texture.

After having a good experience, I was soon taking Scott out for sushi, then my Aunt, then my kids, etc. etc. etc. until I had the crazy thought, "I think I can make this at home." And I did! 

There is a little bit of a learning curve to making the perfectly proportioned and shaped rolls, but with the right ingredients, it's really not that hard. You just need good rice, a rolling mat, and a little patience.

Here is a video link to get you going...


Here is another video for inspiration: 


Marsha's Homemade Sushi

Makes 5 rolls

You will need a sushi rolling mat (bamboo or plastic) for assembling and shaping your rolls.


Seasoned Rice:

  • 2 cups sushi rice
  • 2 to 2 1/2 cups water
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/2 cup rice vinegar
  • 2 Tbl sugar

Sushi Filling: top/fill with your choice of anything, but I used...

  • 2 1/2 sea weed sheets (to make five rolls total)
  • black sesame seeds, optional
  • cucumber, avocado, cream cheese, thinly sliced
  • carrot peelings/ribbons
  • prepared fish of your choice, cold (we used prepared imitation crab)
  • drizzle rolls with yum-yum sauce and unagi/eel sauce
  • serve with a side of soy sauce/teriyaki sauce


For the rice:

  1. It is important to use sushi rice (we found ours at Ocean Mart, but you can probably also order some online if you can't find it at your local markets). Measure out your rice into a mesh strainer and rinse with water until the water runs clean. I will catch the water in a bowl under the strainer, continually dumping as it gets full, until I can see that it is running through the rice clear. This can take a couple of minutes.
  2. Once your rice is clean, add your washed rice, water and pinch of salt into a pot with a lid. Bring everything to a boil. Once boiling, turn the heat down to a gentle simmer, cover the pot, and let the rice sit cooking and simmering in the pot UNTOUCHED for 20 minutes, or until all the water is absorbed and the rice is tender (stirring the rice will make it mushy and gooey).
  3. Once cooked, remove the pot from the heat and let sit for at least 10 minutes, or store until completely cooled and ready to handle.
  4. When ready to make your sushi, gently toss the rice with your rice vinegar and sugar.
To prepare the sushi rolls:
  1. On your sushi mat, cover with a pieces of plastic wrap. (I find that it is easiest to lay out five pieces of plastic wrap and start preparing all five rolls at the same time so I can distribute my rice more evenly between the rolls.)
  2. Take half of a sheet of sea weed and place it on the plastic wrap rough-side up. You can cut your sea weed sheets with kitchen sheers/scissors.
  3. Place 1/5th of your rice on top of the sea weed and spread out evenly. If your sushi rice is REALLY sticky, you made need to oil your hands with some cooking oil. You can also wear a food-prep disposable glove, which you can also oil if  needed.
  4. Sprinkle the rice evenly with black sesame seeds, if desired. Purely decorative.
  5. Flip over your rice/sea weed and use the opposite side to layer your filling, being careful not to overstuff your rolls. Most of my filling was cut into long, skinny sticks, and when the finished roll was sliced, you would see one little piece of each ingredient. I used cucumber, avocado, cream cheese, carrot ribbons and finished it off by breaking up little pieces of imitation crab. You can also put a little of any desired sauces in the middle of your roll (such as yum-yum sauce, or bang-bang sauce if you like things spicy).
  6. Using your sushi mat, begin rolling up the rice around the filling, tucking your filling in tightly so the rice can wrap all the way around your roll. If your roll is overstuffed, you won't be able to get the rice to make a complete circle around the outside. Be careful to not roll up your plastic wrap inside your sushi roll.
  7. You can use the sushi mat to perfect the shape of your roll. Then, using a large sharp WET knife, slice your roll through the plastic wrap into 8 equal pieces. Remove the plastic wrap from each slice.
  8. Plate your slices and then drizzle the entire thing with your desired sauces. Serve with dipping sauces such as soy sauce or teriyaki, if desired.
I made my carrot ribbons by taking a full-sized carrot, using a vegetable peeler to remove the undesired outer layer of the carrot, and then I kept using the peeler to remove thin ribbons of carrot to use for the sushi. You could also just cut your carrot into really small, thin sticks for the sushi, if you don't mind it's hard, crispy texture in your rolls. I prefer the softer, easier to bite ribbons.

We bought Sukina sushi rice. You can find it on Amazon, but is probably cheaper if you can find it in the store. Here is an Amazon link: Click here

We also drizzled our rolls with yum-yum and unagi sauce (otherwise known as eel sauce, because it is typically served along side eel, not because it has eel in it). Our local grocery store carries yum-yum sauce all the time, but I had to get the unagi from Amazon. Click here

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