Thursday, March 21, 2024

Easter Candy Pretzel Flowers

Saw this fun craft/treat for Easter and thought it would go great in some snack mix. They were a little fiddly to get together because the M&M's just barely fit on top of the pretzel and using one white chocolate melt was almost not enough "glue" to work with, but in the end, they were cute.

Easter Candy Pretzel Flowers


  • white chocolate melting candy
  • Easter colored M&M's
  • "Butter Snaps" square pretzels


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. Arrange your pretzels on a baking sheet (lined with a silicone mat) with one white chocolate melting drop on each pretzel. Place in oven for 2 or 3 minutes, or until the chocolate is melted. 
  3. Quickly add your M&M's and then place the pan in the freezer for 5-10 minutes to set. One bag of candy made approximately 47 flowers.

Here it is in the Easter snack mix I made.


  • It was super helpful to make these on a silicone lined baking sheet for easy removal once the chocolate was hardened.
  • Don't over crowd your baking sheet. The flowers can't touch each other on the pan while setting up or else your M&M's will keep falling off. I would recommend about 20-24 per pan.
  • I could only make about 1/2 of the entire batch of flowers before the chocolate would cool off enough to start getting too hard to put the M&M's on, so just attempt to do half a batch at a time (one pan of about 20 flowers).
  • A single chocolate melting candy was almost not enough "glue" to hold the M&M's on, so it might be worth just melting a larger batch of chocolate and then spooning the appropriate amount onto the pretzels to make sure you have enough and skip the oven entirely. That would allow you to more slowly do one flower at a time, and you could either keep reheating the bowl of chocolate as needed, or else keep the chocolate in a small crock pot set to warm.
  • Because it's spring and flowers are cute, it was fun to do, but for other snack mixes and treats, you could easily just melt the chocolate on a pretzel and then sprinkle, haphazardly the M&M's on top (about 4 or 5 fit pretty well) and save yourself a lot of time, work and frustration. That's what I did below because I melted chocolate on top of too many pretzels for the amount of Easter M&M's I had, so I found a bag of regular M&M's to finish the job. They are super yummy to snack on just like this.

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