Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Air Fryer Pizza Bagels

When I found these pizza-flavored bagels at our local Ridley's store, I just had to try them. Through some trial and error, I figured out the perfect way to make them and I wanted to document it here for future reference, either for myself (so I don't have to keep "recreating the wheel" or for others who might want to try it). Enjoy!

*Note: If you can't find these specific bagels, this recipe would also work for any plain or savory bagel that you like.

Marsha's Air Fryer Pizza Bagels


  • 1 bagel, sliced in half
  • pizza sauce
  • toppings
  • cheese


  1. Place your sliced bagel on a microwave-safe plate and top each half with sauce, toppings and your cheese.
  2. Microwave for 1 minute to start to slightly melt the cheese. 
    • Placing the cheese over your toppings and melting it slightly in the microwave helps prevent the moving air in the air fryer from blowing all your toppings off your bagel.
  3. Transfer your bagel halves to your air fryer and cook on the air fry setting (400 degrees, no preheat needed) for 4 minutes or until cheese is golden and bubbly.
Marsha's Notes:
You can top your bagel with any toppings or cheese that you like. I used mini-pepperonis because it's what I had on hand, but full-sized would also be fine. I also used provolone cheese slices, but grated cheese would work just as well.

This is what I used.

Before adding the cheese.

After microwaving for 1 minute. See how the cheese is starting to form to the toppings underneath?

All done and delicious!

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