Monday, May 11, 2020

Low Calorie/Carb "Gummies"

When you are trying to watch your weight, sugar levels, carbs, or what have you, and you really want something sweet to eat without resorting to a candy bar, what can you do?! A friend of mine tipped me off to these homemade, easy to customize "gummies." While I would obviously prefer chocolate, these sweet gummies do help me satisfy my sweet tooth with zero guilt, and the boys like them too! And ENTIRE BATCH (that's a BATCH, not per gummie) is only 100 calories and less than 10 carbs. So if you only eat one or two gummies at a time, that's hardly enough calories or carbs to even worry about.

Homemade Gummies
  • 4 single serving (2.5g each) sleeves of drink mix
  • 4 envelopes KNOX Unflavored Gelatin powder (approx. 7.2g per envelope)
  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1 tsp. citric acid (if you want sour gummies)
  1. Whisk all ingredients together and pour into silicone molds. 
  2. Place in refrigerator until set (about 2 hours). 
  3. Store in airtight container in the fridge (or they melt). 
Marsha's Notes:
  • Be sure to constantly whisk as you add your ingredients to the hot water so you don't get any clumps. 
  • Also be sure to use the single serving drink mixes that go in a single serving water bottle, and not the kind that makes an entire pitcher of drink.
  • A batch made about two silicone trays of gummies. 
I also have these smaller LEGO trays, and a batch filled up all three trays perfectly. The giant LEGO guy was also pretty fun to eat! I had him in three different pieces over three days.

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