Monday, March 20, 2023

Avocado Toast

For anyone who wants to jump on the "now trendy" avocado toast bandwagon, here you go! I started making this, not sure if I would like it, and it turned out really good. Then I made it for the rest of the family, CONVINCED that my boys would be too picky to enjoy it, and was completely surprised with everyone... EVERYONE!!!... liked it. So, if you are like I was, and you aren't quite sure how to prepare avocado toast, here is a place to start. Enjoy!

Avocado Toast

Ingredients: (to make toast as pictured)

  • 1 slice toast, any bread you like
  • 1 slice cheese, any kind you like
  • 1 serving breakfast meat (1 used 1-2 slices bacon, but you could totally use sausage or any other meat you like)
  • 1 serving lunch meat (optional), I used sundried tomato turkey
  • 1 fried egg, cooked to your liking
  • 1/2 mashed avocado
  • seasoning of your choice (I used "Everything But the Bagel")
  • hot sauce (optional)


  • Toast your bread. 
  • Fry your egg. 
  • Mash and season your avocado. 
  • Assemble your toast. I like to do toast, then cheese, bacon, avocado, lunch meat, egg, hot sauce, but you can do it anyway you like.


  • I found that you can just slice your avocado instead of mashing if you prefer that texture, but slices will move around while you are trying to eat your toast and can be messy and make it difficult to eat. 
  • The mashed avocado seems to stay in place better for me, and it makes it easy to mix in your seasonings, like salt and pepper... or in my case, Everything But the Bagel. I used a sprinkling of seasoning, maybe 1/2 tsp. 
  • I also like to use precooked bacon slices, which I just pop in the microwave for about ten seconds to crisp up. 
  • While the toast is hot, I like to put my cheese slice down so it can get warm and a little melty, and then I put the hot bacon on top of the cheese to also help soften and warm the cheese. 
  • You can totally put lunch meat on this for extra protein, but you don't have to. You can also add other toppings like veggies or sprouts. These are just the toppings I like that typically we have in our house.
  • Avocados can vary in size, so you might find that 1/2 an avocado is too much or too little. Just use the amount you like. For me, if I am the only one eating this, I tend to have it two days in a row so I can just use half the avocado one day, and then the other half the next. I don't mash the second half initially. I just leave the avocado cut in half, still in the skin, and put in a baggie in the fridge. Then, the next day, I just carefully scrape away any brown, oxidized parts of the exposed avocado (like what happens to sliced apples) and then scoop it all out and mash it up.
  • Depending on the bread you use, this can be a great low-carb recipe.

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